The right thing to do
You've always hear people talk about how cathartic it is to let your anger out, or how much better they feel after, and you've probably heard, at least once, things like "if you keep your anger bottled up, one day you'll just snap!"
You have, haven't you?
Well, things like squeezing stress dolls, screaming into a pillow or hitting a punching bag are examples that we've seen offered as healthy alternatives to walking up to the object of your anger, and beat the hell out of it.
The thing is that expressing your anger, even against inanimate objects, doesn't make you less angry at all. In fact, it actually makes you want to get pissed off. You see, we have these things called habits. When we do something, and it makes us feel good, we want to do it again. The rush of anger is addictive, and letting yourself lash out as a means to control your anger is just like drinking to control your urge to drink.
So yes, I agree that letting your anger out is not a solution. BUT, you just simply can't keep bottling things up, because you are not angry at first, you're just bothered by something. The thing is that if you don't talk about that, you start bottling all those little things that bother you, and that will indeed make you angry or very, very annoyed or upset.
And then you snap, and do something stupid like overreact over something insignificant.
So what’s the right thing to do at this point?
Well, some people choose to keep overreacting like they have any reason to do so. They choose to let things take exaggerated proportions because they don't have the balls to admit that they've made a mistake. But I'm afraid to tell you that this is not the right thing to do.
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know the difference |
Oh no. Even if you think your twisted logic is right, you need to talk with the other person. You need to explain yourself. You need to show them that you, at least, valued your relationship more than you value your insufflated ego, and you need to deal with whatever consequences this may come with.
Wonder about that! ...and grow some balls, 'cause I'll bloody wait.
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it's never the wrong time to do the right thing |
36 wonders:
That was actually rather inspirational....
I'm inspired. (:
very true
You seem mad as of late ;) but good argument!
True that !
very true what u post here! great blog keep it up :)
Interesting point of view. I like your articles:)
true story, bro :)
SO true !
the clock is very coooooool! :)
the clock is very coooooool! :)
Nice post, very true.
Following :)
Don't have this issue :D I always let my rage out XD
Very nice post, thanks for writing this. :)
I'd like to have a clock like that, nice post :)
second pic so true ; P
you've got me thinking differently about my life. thanks!
Wow.. gotta keep that gentle balance, I suppose.
interesting post man :)
Thanks, this could be a motivation for me
so true dude
this is true dude and i think that is very good motivation
awsome post. So true.
I agree with all of the above that said this : great & inspirational!
I usually don't like reading stuff like this but this one had an edge to it, I can say I'm inspired as well ^^ Keep it up!
nice post man:)
so true dude, nice post
i've been taking psychology and anthropology courses in college and i've found that when we keep things built up inside of us, we will eventually have a very serious meltdown or we let it out all at once. i've come to the point in my life where i just say whatever i want to say and my life feels SO much better
Good advice!
that's so true!
nice post man :)
Realy good one :)
Right - Wrong... know the difference :)
So true.sometimes i don't even realize how angry i am until i explode.great post
Great true.i dont realize how angry i am until i explode
Sometimes things have a way of working themselves out, when things seem to be grinding against each other, its always best to step back and observe the other players and use their mistakes as ippurtunities
that clock pictures reminds me of my job. constant work now now now now lol.
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