Fact - The sky in acient Greece was not blue
The sky wasn't blue?! So what, then?
Well, as a matter of fact, the sky in acient Greece was bronze! How? Because there was no word for blue in the acient Greek language.
The nearest words to blue were glaukos and kyanos which are expressions of relative light intensity. So when the Greek referred to the sky as bronze, they meant that it was dazzlingly bright.
"Oh but I need more proof!" - Well, ok, go read the 'Iliad' by Homer, where he keeps mentioning the sky as being bronze or red!
Wonder about that!
17 wonders:
Interesting exploration into linguistics. I think we'd all be surprised at how many old stories and "facts" have been lost/misunderstood in translation. Follow +1
Interesting, i do love Greek mythology!
Wow there was no word for blue that's sooo crazy ancient Greeks were a fascinating peoples i believe
Colours have always been a confusing one.
For all we know my red is your blue, your green is my purple - there's no way to see through someone elses eyes yet (that I know of)
Very interesting post, enjoyed the read! Also love greek mythology
it blows my mind D:.. i woudl still clal it beautyfull instead of a non descriptive color, oh you greeks and your wonderfull knowledges XD
well, the sky in sao paulo is brown or grey...
I'd wish to have such a sunset once in this summer >_>
This tickled my interesting bone.
wow, that's really strange. I'm going to remember this and tell others :)
Very interesting. How can such an essential color as Blue not exist?
I didn't know that. D:
Interesting blog, by the way.
LOL that's pretty interesting actually, pretty weird too.
Well, I suppose blue is just another way of seeing shades of white, they're not far off... but bronze! What I'd give to see that...
Oh those crazy greeks :> Anyway the greatest metal known to man at that time was bronze,so maybe there;s a connection between those two.
Ok, i didn't know that. That is an interesting theory.
I bet it was air pollution. All those Gods flying around...
Oh... I was thinking that, they think that is some kind of gift from Gods, some rich sign.
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