wondered by Joana Galhardo Tags

What you think it means? Regardless
What it really means? Not a damned thing

What you think it means? To skim over or browse something
What it really means? To read with thoroughness or care

What you think it means? Any kind of amusing coincidence
What it really means? An outcome that is the opposite of what you'd expect

What you think it means? Spotless or as good as new
What it really means? Ancient, primeval, in a state virtually unchanged from the original

What you think it means? Unperturbed, not worried
What it really means? Utterly perplexed or confused

What you think it means? Mildly amused
What it really means? Bewildered or confused

What you think it means? Enormous
What it really means? Outrageous or heinous on a grand scale

What you think it means? A lot of something
What it really means? Too much of something, an over-abundance

Wonder about that!