Fact - Words that don't mean what you think they mean
What it really means? Ancient, primeval, in a state virtually unchanged from the original
What you think it means? Regardless
What it really means? Not a damned thing
What you think it means? To skim over or browse something
What it really means? To read with thoroughness or care
What you think it means? Any kind of amusing coincidence
What it really means? An outcome that is the opposite of what you'd expect
What you think it means? Spotless or as good as newWhat it really means? Ancient, primeval, in a state virtually unchanged from the original
What you think it means? Unperturbed, not worried
What it really means? Utterly perplexed or confused
What you think it means? Mildly amused
What you think it means? Mildly amused
What it really means? Bewildered or confused
What you think it means? Enormous
What you think it means? Enormous
What it really means? Outrageous or heinous on a grand scale
What you think it means? A lot of something
What you think it means? A lot of something
What it really means? Too much of something, an over-abundance
Wonder about that!
Wonder about that!
18 wonders:
The plethora one sure surprised me! Been using it all wrong!
Pretty cool, knew a couple of them but not all of them
Now I feel like a university student. LOL
Ah, the wonders of our beloved (or should i say bemused) language.
wow im surprised at a couple and its good to know man
hmm really interesting i shouldnt use that words
Nice post.
Oh this was actually rather interesting. Followed!
That is so cool.
haha funny and very interesting ! : D
I knew all of those.
The problem with "ironic" and "sarcasm" is that you require some intelligence to understand it:)
haha cool! ironic - An outcome that is the opposite of what you'd expect! nice post!
hmm interesting, a few were new for me here!
I hate to be the one to say it, but a couple of these are wrong.
ir·re·gard·less Adjective Adverb /ˌiriˈgärdlis/
pris·tine Adjective /ˈprisˌtēn/ /priˈstēn/
In its original condition; unspoiled
pristine copies of an early magazine
Clean and fresh as if new; spotless
a pristine white shirt
Thanks, dictionary.
All of these words mean exactly what I thought they meant.
Interesting ._O
But these words... I never even used them :D lol
I've always wondered why there is the word irregardless if regardless means the same thing!
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