Why women go to bathrooms in groups?
You may think there is a kind of secret or ritual, when it's really very simple!
When we watch TV, we all wait for commercial breaks to go to the bathroom, so we won't miss anything. But when you're out, or doing whatever, there aren't any designated "commercial breaks".
When it comes to double dates or so, they might see it as a good time to catch up with each other and how they think their dates are going. Maybe say what they think of each other's dates. Just like men enjoy the play-by-play in sports, ladies enjoy a play-by-play on dates, but it's very rude to do it right in front of the guy.
It might also be just sympathetic companionship, because some bathrooms are filthy and all broken, and another person there could be very convenient for purse holding or helping shutting the door and other stuff like that.
So, basically, there could be many reasons for that; it's not a ritual or a secret plan!
Wonder about that!
14 wonders:
And so one of the greatest mysteries of our time has been answered! Fascinating!
the mistery have been solved xD
great read
I'm not satisfied yet. I want this on MythBusters right now!
I agree with S.S.. This myth deserves to be on MythButsters!
I hate going to the toilet with other girls.... Peeing isn't really a bonding activity for me, and I don't understand why other girls see it that way lol
I thought they got high or had orgies. D:
Makes sense actually ^^
Wow thanks for clearing that out :)
lol didnt knew!
Women go to bathroom in groups so they can stare at each other's new wallet, lipstick or even ask what color your panties are (yeah, we used to stalk them back in highschool).
It's always very weird.
LOOL Of course that is a question that everyone asks! Good one! : D Following ^^
Is just a break for chatting lol
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