Fact - Today is New Year's Eve!
Similar to my last post, and since today is the new year's eve, I'm gonna let you know some facts about it!
#1 The Date: If you had lived in Mesopotamia and Babylon 4000 years ago, you probably would have celebrated the new year in mid.March, at the time of the Spring Equinox, and apparently their party lasted for eleven days!...Undoubtedly putting modern day New Year's Eve parties to shame...Although, if you were an Egyptian, your new year began with the Autumnal Equinox and the flooding of the Nile. And, if you were Greek, the Winter Solstice began your new year celebrations!
Julius Caeser was the first to set January 1st as the New Year, since it celebrated the beginning of the civil year and the festival of the god of gates and, eventually, the god of all beginnings, Janus, after whom January was named.
#2 Resolution: As it seems, "losing weight" is the most common New Year's resolution!
#3 Superstitions: Many cultures prepare New Year's foods that are believed to influence good fortune, or avoid dishes that might cause misfortune; much like the choice of the outfit worn in this day, particular the color of underwear!
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Some cliche picture for New Year's Eve! |
That's it for today! I apologize but I'm not gonna prolong my stay here, and you shouldn't either! Go prepare yourself for the party!
Wonder about that! And party on!
Fact - Today is Christmas day!
Today is Christmas day. All around the world people will be sitting down to special meals, giving gifts, singing, drinking and stuff like that. In honor of this great holiday, i have a gift for you, some Christmas facts!
#1 The Date: In the early Church, Christmas was not celebrated as a major feast. The first evidence of the Church attempting to put a date on the day of Christ's birth comes from 200 AD, when theologians in Alexandria decided it was the 20th of May. By the 380's, the Church in Rome was attempting to unite the various regions in using December 25th as the universal feast day, and eventually that was the day that stuck. The influence of the pagan feasts of Rome is clear, because December 25th was the festival for the birth of the sun.

#3 Xmas: That one small word causes anger amongst many people. Many Christians consider it to be disrespectful to replace Christ's name with an 'X'. However, Xmas is almost as old as the feast it refers to, the 'X' is actually the Greek letter chi which is the first letter of Christ's name in Greek.

#5 Santa Claus: Santa Claus is actually based on the early Church Bishop Saint Nicholas. He was born during the 3rd century, in the village in Turkey, and was known for secretly giving gifts of money to the poor. The modern image of him as a jolly man in red most likely comes from the 1823 poem "A visit from St Nicholas" also known as "The Night before Christmas".

Wonder about that! And have jolly Christmas
Fact - Elephants are evolving to lose their tusks (and avoid poachers)
This one is an awesome example of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory.
You see, when the international ban on the trade of ivory took effect in 1989, there were about a million elephants in Africa and about 7.5% of those were getting poached to death every year. Today, less than half of them are left, and we're still losing about 8% of elephants to ivory poachers. Pretty much everything we've done to protect our wild pachyderm friends has failed.
This is so incredible because it's not like tusks are the elephant version of wisdom teeth. They're weapons and tools, and they are needed to dig for water and roots and to battle for the love of a lady! Which means nature decided poachers are a greater threat to the elephant's existence than its diminished ability to forage or to score!
Wonder about that!
The self-esteem glitch
Fact - Camels do not store water in their humps
What the hell? Not water?
Nop! Not water! It's fat.
It's the fatty tissue in the humps of camels that it's used as an energy reserve, as it minimizes heat-trapping insulation throughout the rest of their bodies. When this tissue is metabolized, it acts as a source of energy.
The water is stored in their bodies, predominantly in their bloodstream, which makes them very good at avoiding dehydration. Camels can go seven days without drinking, but when they do drink, they really go for it! Up to 225 liters (50gallons) a time! Enough to easily keep a family of four satisfied on the driest of summer afternoons.
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Bitch, I'm fabulous! |
Wonder #8
You don’t want to know the truth; you just want to be right
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Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level, and beat you with experience |
Fact - Henry VIII did not have six wives
The right thing to do
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know the difference |
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it's never the wrong time to do the right thing |
Wonder #7
I'll say what I want and hope you’ll remember
Haters gonna hate
Fact - Chameleons do not change colors to blend in
Yep. Chameleons change colors, not to blend into their background, but depending on a number of emotional states. They change color when frightened, mating, fighting, etc.
"But I've seen photos/videos of a chameleon blending into the background!" - Yeah, but that's because they change so often, that eventually they'll match their backgrounds!
A chameleon would have little use for blending in, because their main prey, insects, tend to have an eyesight unfit to spot them when they are still; and being an apex predator, chameleons don't tend to have any natural predators.
Wonder about that!
The magic of the slow clap
Wonder #6
Fact – Indoor nudity is prohibited in Mexico
Talk about TOO conservative...
Wonder #5
Fact - Moths are not attracted to light
This is because they use natural light sources to determine what direction they should be facing and how to fly in a straight line, and when we come along with the artificial ones, it confuse them!
So there they are minding their own business, when BAM, artificial light comes up. "Oh this must be the right way!" - they think. And they rectify their direction, but "Oh no!" - the light source being so close, the only way to do this is to fly around in circles!
Oh, and by the way, moths don't eat cloths, their caterpillars do.
Wonder about that!
Why women go to bathrooms in groups?
When it comes to double dates or so, they might see it as a good time to catch up with each other and how they think their dates are going. Maybe say what they think of each other's dates. Just like men enjoy the play-by-play in sports, ladies enjoy a play-by-play on dates, but it's very rude to do it right in front of the guy.
It might also be just sympathetic companionship, because some bathrooms are filthy and all broken, and another person there could be very convenient for purse holding or helping shutting the door and other stuff like that.
So, basically, there could be many reasons for that; it's not a ritual or a secret plan!
Wonder about that!
Fact - Words that don't mean what you think they mean
What it really means? Ancient, primeval, in a state virtually unchanged from the original
What you think it means? Mildly amused
What you think it means? Enormous
What you think it means? A lot of something
Wonder about that!
Wonder #3
Wonder #2
Asch and the conformity experiment (1953)
So the experiment consisted in telling the subjects that they would be taking part in a vision test, along with a handful of people. The participants were then shown pictures, and individually asked to answer very simple and obvious questions.
The catch was that everybody else in the room other than the subject was in on it, and they were told to give obviously wrong answers.
So would the subject go against the crowd, even when the crowd was clearly and retardedly wrong?

As you can see, Asch wasn't exactly asking these people to design the next space station. Really, the only way you could get the answer honestly wrong is if you took two doses of LSD that morning and rubbed them directly on your eyeballs.
Yet, sadly, 32% of subjects would answer incorrectly if they saw that three others in the classroom gave the same wrong answer. Even when the line was plainly off by a few inches, it didn't matter. One in three would follow the group right off the proverbial cliff.
So much for those lectures you got about peer pressure and 'being brave enough to be yourself.'
Wonder about that!